
'B' for 'Beraten' - German for consulting

Our consultants have similar professional backgrounds to the people they work with. Because of this they have a real understanding of the specific situations of our clients. They are specially trained counsellors and have many years of experience in supporting the professional development of academics. Based on an analysis of the professional biographies, specific skills and expertise of our clients, we make qualified individual assessments of their situations within the Swiss job market and assist them in developing and implementing a personal action plan.

We focus on supporting motivated people of any age who have academic or technical qualifications, as well as other well-qualified professionals.

Typical situations:

  • Re-entry into the labour market
  • Professional reorientation
  • Developing or expanding a professional network
  • Recognition of foreign degrees
  • Broadening work experience (in the case of narrow specialization)
  • Degree with no work experience

BNF consulting includes:

  • A detailed assessment of the current professional situation
  • Definition of possible target jobs
  • Constructing an action plan and an application strategy
  • CV-Check (this includes an analysis of application documents, subsequent adjustments, and feedback on improved documents).

We also look into other options:

  • Would further training be helpful? Which courses would be most useful?
  • Would participation in a BNF project be useful?
  • Is a diploma recognition necessary?
  • Are there other obstacles that must be cleared away? etc.

We adapt our procedures to regional situations and the expectations of the assigning organizations. If you are interested in a consultation or project participation please contact the BNF branch nearest to you.