Fragmentation of plastic particles

What is this project about?
Plastic pollution is in omnipresent and larger plastic items can be observed everywhere in the environment. Microplastic particles, produced from larger plastic items, are less visible but may have a bigger impact on our environment. The fragmentation mechanisms and the resulting particle size distributions of the micro- / nanoplastic particles are however, only poorly understood.
What are BNF participants working on in this project?
Different polymer foils with a thickness of 50 – 200 µm are exposed to UV radiation using an SUNTEST CPS+ apparatus for up to 1000h. After this (photochemical) aging, the foil samples are added to a sand slurry and mixed in a roller mill for another 1000 h. The properties of the artificially aged polymers are investigated using different analytical techniques.
What do the BNF participants benefit from this project?
The applicant will become familiar with the topic of microplastic, a relevant topic for scientists, practitioners and regulators. Furthermore, the applicant will gain insights into and receive hands-on training on various analytical methods, tailored to the experience of the applicant. With the acquired knowhow and the gained knowledge on the topic of microplastic, the applicant is well positioned to apply for jobs opening in this field.