
For BNF project partners

For BNF project partners

Fotoausschnitt einer Liste mit füheren Projektplätzen

We work with competent partners who provide project placements for highly qualified job seekers.

As a BNF project partner you gain access to highly qualified job seekers who work with you for a limited period of time (3-6 months).
You will be able to ...

... realize a project that you otherwise could not realize due to lack of resources.

... bring in skilled participants who have the unbiased and critical perception of an outsider and can contribute new know-how to your project.

... facilitate the entry or reintegration of job seekers into the job market.

BNF always tries to create win-win situations: While you gain access to cutting-edge qualifications, job seekers benefit by acquiring new skills, expanding their professional networks and by gaining references from recognized institutions.
Are you interested in becoming a BNF partner? Please contact the regional office closest to you.