Networking - through project work
Linking up to an institution through working on a project of your own choice enables you to establish and expand your professional network. You will also gather the work experience you need (e.g. in a new field or when new to the Swiss job market) or be able to apply for financial support for a research project of your own.
As a national qualification programme, we have an extensive network of excellent project partners in renowned institutions and companies throughout Switzerland. Depending on your situation we can even create a new project, suited to your personal requirements. Although voluntary project participation is unpaid work, the benefits of expert support, professional networking and an established infrastructure outweigh this by far.
To give you a better idea of the types of project work that are possible at BNF, we present a small selection of projects here as examples. The projects may also serve as inspiration to acquire your own project through BNF.
If you are interested in a specific project, please contact your BNF consultant directly.
Important: The projects presented here are examples and may be occupied at the moment.
Project examples at BNF

Life science
Fragmentation of plastic particles
Plastic pollution is in omnipresent and larger plastic items can be observed everywhere in the environment. Microplastic particles, produced from larger plastic items, are less visible but may have a bigger impact on our environment. The fragmentation mechanisms and the resulting particle size distributions of the micro- / nanoplastic particles are however, only poorly understood. Read more...

Traitement des addictions
L ’Unité Thalassa du Centre de soins hospitaliers à Marsens est spécialisée dans le traitement des addictions. Elle prend en charge de patient-es hospitalisé-es. Lire plus...

Sciences de l’environnement
Appuis divers à la section eaux souterraines sur des thématiques stratégiques au sein de la Direction générale de l’environnement Lausanne
La section eaux souterraines de la DGE (Direction Générale de l’Environnement) est chargée de protéger les eaux souterraines et de gérer leur utilisation, notamment pour l’eau potable, l’irrigation, ou comme eau technique. Lire plus...

Mathematics / Physics
Laser systems characterization
This BNF partner is a dynamic Swiss laser manufacturer offering laser solutions of unprecedented robustness and reliability to our customers around the globe. Based in Switzerland, our team has strong expertise in the development and production of ultrafast lasers for the markets of aerospace, telecom, and metrology. For our development and production site in the Zurich area, we are offering a BNF project related to optical engineering and laser characterization. Read more...

Sciences du vivant / Forêt et agriculture
Agriculture biologique
Les projets du département du FiBL en Suisse romande portent sur toutes les questions de l’agriculture biologique et se déroulent on-farm: production végétale en cultures pérennes et annuelles, santé et bien-être des animaux d’élevage, gestion des sols et de la biodiversité, questions socio-économiques, transformation d’aliments biologiques et analyses complètes du marché bio. Lire plus...

Life Science / Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
Das Projekt ermöglicht den Teilnehmenden, neue Erfahrungen im Innovationsmanagement zu sammeln sowie neue Unternehmen und Arbeitsbereiche kennenzulernen. Damit können sie sowohl ihre Stellensuche erweitern als auch ihr Netzwerk ausbauen. Mehr...

Traitement des addictions à l'hôpital
MALATAVIE (HUG – Children Action) est destinée aux jeunes qui ont des idées suicidaires ou ressentent un mal-être. L’unité propose une prise en charge de pointe qui répond aux besoins et au mode de vie des adolescents. Lire plus...

Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
Gesundheitsförderung und Kommunikation: Projekt sportifyVBS
Die Gesundheitsförderung und die Prävention geniessen in der Bundesverwaltung hohe Priorität. Mit dem Projekt sportifyVBS-DDPS will das Eidgenössische Departement für Verteidigung, Bevölkerungsschutz und Sport VBS Angebote und Massnahmen für Bewegung und Sport in den verschiedenen Verwaltungs- und Organisationseinheiten optimieren und ausbauen. Mehr...

Life sciences
Development of in vitro diagnostics - On a mission in a start-up in the field of life sciences, Basel area
The start-up is providing innovative solutions for rapid discovery of ultra-sensitive biomarkers for customers in pharma, biotech and clinical research. Read more...

Life sciences / Social Sciences and others
Strengthening the visibility of Swissnex in Switzerland
Swissnex is the Swiss global network for education, research and innovation (ERI). The project consists of supporting the coordination of the Swissnex Network from headquarters in Switzerland, while raising the visibility of the network in Switzerland. Read more...